

It’s October, which meant 2 things;

That these photos have been gathering dust in my enormous photo folders for 6 months,

And that it is the time of the year when I start looking back and wonder if I have accomplished anything of worth for the past 10 months. Continue reading



They say a city grows on you. But the funny thing is you never knew it does until it is time to leave. Continue reading


Lazy Easter Lunch

Brighton has not been this quiet for a long time. Pulled down shop shuttles coupled with the usual idleness of a Sunday morning makes dim sum the only worth well reason to head to town. As if to blend in with the overall slow pace, this leisure occasion calls for comfort dressing in the form of slouchy clothing. Continue reading

Style, Travel

Summer Dressing and Macalister

At the expense of sounding mundane, I must confess that Continue reading



Of my 22 years as a Malaysian, I have only really had any form of true Raya celebrations in the last 4 years. If you are unfamiliar with Malaysia, here’s a crash course for you. We are a small country in the South East Asia, sandwiched between Thailand and Singapore. And, like many of our neighbours, we boast being a melting pot of cultures. Having said that, I cannot declare that I am well acquainted with the ways and culture of other races. Continue reading

Photography, Style

Balmy all-White among Roses

This is one of those rare days where everything, from the Regent Park visit to the people gathered, is spontaneous. Everything except the gleaming white on white outfit that is. Truth be told, that was the first time that I have dressed solely for visual effect and I do mean solely. Continue reading
